OSP assessment: Learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify three specific aspects from Figure 1 (the Google Home advert) that you could have mentioned in your answer (e.g. selection of image, framing and focus, colour, text etc.)

- Reinforces white, western, middle-class representation of family life to the exclusion of other backgrounds (race/ethnicity, sexuality, age, class). Presents the white, western ‘2.4 children’ average as desirable, aspirational lifestyle – some audiences will reject this.

- Google presenting its smart speaker as a ‘natural’ part of home life will be strongly rejected by audiences concerned with data, privacy and the power technology companies such as Google have in modern western societies.

3) Now use the mark scheme to identify three potential points that you could have made in your essay for Question 2 (Hesmondhalgh - validity of theory/narrow range of values and ideologies).

- The ‘End of Audience’ that Clay Shirky writes about means that a wider, more diverse range of values and ideologies are now available to consumers. This would suggest Hesmondhalgh’s theory is not valid. Taylor Swift’s online and social media presence arguably supports this with her promotion of a liberal agenda that challenges attitudes towards gender in society and the music industry. The power and influence of Taylor Swift’s fans (‘Swifties’) also shows that a wider range of values and ideologies are now available in the cultural industries thanks to technology and social change.

-However, The Voice has been doing this to some extent since its launch in 1982 and it has arguably become less powerful and influential in recent years. This suggests the digital revolution Clay Shirky writes about (the “billion new participants in the contemporary media ecosystem”) has not benefited The Voice in its mission to promote values and ideologies that remain outside the mainstream. Perhaps this reinforces Hesmondhalgh’s view that the media is dominated by a narrow range of values and ideologies in that The Voice has failed to really challenge the hegemonic ideology of the UK.

4) Use your exam response, the mark scheme and any other resources you wish to use to write a detailed essay plan for Question 2. Make sure you are planning at least three well-developed paragraphs in addition to an introduction and conclusion.

Introduction to clearly emphasise if you are with or against. #

Para 1 : Taylor swift industries 

Para 2 Taylor swift Audiences

Para 3: The voice industries 

Para 4: Theorists link to both OSPS 

Conlusion sums up main points

5) Finally, identify three key areas you plan to revise from the OSP unit before the January mock exams (e.g. CSP elements or media theories) having looked at your feedback from this assessment.

The voice audience and industries , Clay Shirky and key theorists


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