MIGRAIN: Reading an image - media codes

1) Analyse this RBK 50 Cent advert using the media codes you learned in the lesson: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Write a paragraph for each one exploring the way meanings are created using those media codes.

Technical codes:

The top lighting is to reveal his face and to clearly point out his scar on his upper shoulder indicating he got insured or engaged in a physical violence act. The medium close up shot also suggests how he is looking directly at the audience and a clear facial expressions. The finger prints on the right hand side of the advert indicated he may have been in prison and was involved in criminal acts.

Written or verbal codes:

The slogan '' i am what i am " is appealing to the audience as its short but memorable and meaningful , it is in big clear writing and centred in the middle of the advert which attracts the audiences eyes straight away giving an introduction of the person and the font links in to his character. The slogan also may indicate that people should have self-confidence and don't be ashamed of themselves or their past actions and they should tyr their best to improve and it may suggest that people learn from their mistakes so therefore they should take an advantage of it. His quoted words may also add that no one knows what may happen next or tomorrow so they should make the most of it and change and become a better person.


The chain , vest and slightly twisted cap may reveal his character to the audience and further imply how he might be the bad or popular guy and that he is unique , more over his earrings and chain may indicate wealth and success. His facial expression is serious but looking directly at the audience so this may indicate that his words are aimed at them directly. The advert is in black and white this may suggest a clear distinction of memories and create a mood of nostalgia. This may juxtapose and instead show the clear development and success in 50 cents character and maybe to show how far he's gotten.

Narrative codes:

This advert may use enigma code as the audience would want to know the reason behinds his words and may be curious to find out about his life and how he is where he is. The fingerprints may imply action codes, as it may indicate drama and prison and criminal acts so the audience would also want the reason behind that.

2) Next, analyse a print advert of your choice using the same media codes: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative.

Technical codes:

The skittle packet and the main product is put in the centre of the advert very clearly. also the editing of the writing and the rainbow colours getting out of them illustrates and brings extra attention to the audience and especially kids so they buy them or make their parents buy it for them as well as it may be revealing the colours that are in the packet.

Written or verbal codes:

The way they are phrasing their idea and anchorage text to advertise their product is very unique and interesting and persuading the audience to buy and using the imperatives "taste it " is also a appealing to the audience so they go buy the product and taste it.


The use of the rainbow colours and actually presenting and showing the audience the colours this makes the audience more interested and attracted to taste every colour and try the product , The use of the San-serif font moreover adds that it is targeting more modern younger audiences and probably kids, teenagers and children.

Narrative codes:

This advert uses enigma code as it will make the kids and people curious to taste them and what they actually would taste like and their colours moreover having the product in the advert would also be easy and memorable for kids and children to buy it and remember it in the store and curious to find out how each colour and flavour would taste like.


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