
Showing posts from December, 2023

MIGRAIN: Industries - Public service broadcasting

  Ofcom review of PSB in Britain In 2020 Ofcom published its findings from a five year review of public service broadcasting in Britain. Read  the introduction to their report - pages 3-7 . You'll need your Greenford Google login to view the document. 1) Look at page 3. Why is it a critical time for public service broadcasting?  Audience viewing habits continue to change  rapidly and competition from global content providers is ever-increasing. 2) Read page 4. How has TV viewing changed in recent years?  Live broadcast viewing has declined, as audiences increasingly choose to view content at a time that suits them on global online and on-demand content services. 3) Still on page 4, what aspects of PSB do audiences value and enjoy?  Audiences continue to highly value the purposes and objectives of PSB, including trustworthy news and programmes that show different aspects of UK life and culture. 4) Look at pages 4-5. Find and note down the statistics in this ...

MIGRAIN: Hesmondhalgh - The Cultural Industries

  Read the Factsheet and complete the following questions/tasks: 1) What does the term 'Cultural Industries' actually refer to? The term ‘cultural industry’ refers to the creation, production, and  distribution of products of a cultural or artistic nature. 2) What does Hesmondhalgh identify regarding the societies in which the cultural industries are highly profitable? societies that support the  conditions where large companies, and their political allies, make  money. These conditions being: constant demand for new products;  minimal regulation outside of general competition law; relative  political and economic stability; workforces that are willing to work  hard. 3) Why do some media products offer ideologies that challenge capitalism or inequalities in society? This happens because the cultural industry companies need to  continuously compete with each other to secure audience members. As  such, companies outdo each other to try and sati...

MIGRAIN: Audience theory 2 - the effects debate

  Theory questions and your opinion 1) Social learning theory has been criticised for simplifying the causes of violence in society. Do you think the media is responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence?  I think the media is partially responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence because all movies and most movies nowadays show crucial violent scenes and some extreme anti-social and violent scenes in movies and media in general , moreover games have a big effect as well as lots of games lead to violence , fights and bad behaviours. so social learning theory does also have a big effect for violence and anti-social behaviours especially for young kids as they copy their role models and people older than them.  2) How is social learning theory relevant in the digital age? Are young people now learning behaviour from social media and the internet? Give examples. so children are in their developing age and they copy what they watch so  I think it will have a ...

MIGRAIN: Narrative

  Read   Media Factsheet 14 - Telling Stories: The Media's Use of Narrative   and answer the following questions: 1) Give an example from film or television that uses Todorov's narrative structure of equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium.  The equilibrium introduces the four boys playing inside a suburban family home - identifying the social norms suggested by the narrative. This sequence focuses on the idea of the nuclear family living in a suburban home as the norm, with responsible parents caring for their children. The disequilibrium is Will's disappearance - this suggests Will is more vulnerable as a latchkey kid, reinforcing social norms around the nuclear family. There is no resolution of the main narrative arc in episode one. Will's disappearance is not resolved until the final episode of season one. 2) Complete the activity on page 1 of the Factsheet: find a  clip  on YouTube of the opening of a new TV drama series (season 1, episode 1). ...

MIGRAIN: Industries - Regulation

  Read the Factsheet and complete the following questions/tasks: 1) What is regulation and why do media industries need to be regulated? Very few industries leave the organisations or companies who operate  in that sector to their own devices.  Systems of regulation are required  to provide rules and regulations to ensure that organisations operate  fairly. 2) What is OFCOM responsible for? OFCOM is responsible for regulating  broadcast media such as TV and Radio. 3) Look at the section on the OFCOM broadcasting code. Which do you think are the three most important sections of the broadcasting code and why? Section 1: Protecting the Under-Eighteens - this is because children should not see things that they are not supposed to see it would affect and change their mindset and they are immature and they would not act is a responsible way, so they needed to be protected and kept away from things that they shouldn't be doing or watching. Section 2: Harm and...


  Read   Media Factsheet 03 - Genre: Categorising texts   and ans wer the following questions: 1) What example is provided of why visual iconographies are so important? The mise en scene of deep space, usually indicates the genre of sci-fi.  Someone sitting behind a desk is not genre specific. However, add high key lighting, a modern mise en scene and a screen behind the character at the desk and the combination of media language choices creates an image we associate with a news broadcast. 2) What examples are provided of the importance of narrative in identifying genre? In a soap opera it would not be unusual to see one of the story-lines follow a family having to deal with a domestic situation such as a member of the family having trouble with their boss at work. This type of story may also appear in a sit-com but the way the story develops and is dealt with will be different./ In a soap opera, the situation ma...

MIGRAIN: Reading an image - media codes

1) Analyse this RBK 50 Cent advert using the media codes you learned in the lesson: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Write a paragraph for each one exploring the way meanings are created using those media codes. Technical codes: The top lighting is to reveal his face and to clearly point out his scar on his upper shoulder indicating he got insured or engaged in a physical violence act. The medium close up shot also suggests how he is looking directly at the audience and a clear facial expressions. The finger prints on the right hand side of the advert indicated he may have been in prison and was involved in criminal acts. Written or verbal codes: The slogan '' i am what i am " is appealing to the audience as its short but memorable and meaningful , it is in big clear writing and centred in the middle of the advert which attracts the audiences eyes straight away giving an introduction of the person and the font links in to his character. T...