Magazine front cover - Learner response

1) Add your finished magazine cover as a JPEG image. 2) Type up your feedback from your teacher. If you've received this by email, you can copy and paste it across - WWW and EBIs. You don't need to include a mark or grade if you don't want to. Mark out of 15 for Media Language: 8 Estimated A Level coursework grade: C / D WWW: This is a satisfactory cover that does manage to replicate Vogue magazine. You’ve picked a quirky magazine front cover image that does things differently and your image and cover lines reflect this. However, I think overall this doesn’t quite hit the ‘professional standards’ we’re aiming for in Year 13 so will prove to be a very good lesson for the coursework next year. EBI: I believe the composition element slightly works against you perhaps getting the cover model to directly address the audience may meet the conventions of your magazine brand. Your face is hidden on the cover to connect with the audience and means the product lacks impact – the aud...